Monday, October 12, 2009

Who Wants to be a General Manager?

With unemployment at historic levels, competition is fierce for any job opening. And now the Padres have decided to take advantage of the extra-large pool of available talent.
Sources told Minor-League Town the Padres will hold open tryouts to allow fans an opportunity to apply for the club's general manager opening.
Those interested should contact team officials to arrange a time for your interview. They'll make sure they schedule it at a time that's most convenient for you.
Club officials stress that no previous general managing experience is necessary. No previous full-time employment is necessary, although special consideration will be given to those with experience working on a tight budget. Extra special consideration will be given to those whose initials can make for a catchy nickname.
Once their interview is scheduled, applicants should report to 19 Tony Gwynn Drive, and it is recommended they wear comfortable shoes and their favorite Hawaiian print shirt.
Candidates should be prepared to articulate their vision for the team's future, and they'll be judged on their ability to answer questions without actually answering the questions.
Now this is fantasy baseball.

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