Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trouble in Paradise?

Nice little soap opera going on with the Padres as they stumble and bumble their way to the finish line, with 100 losses still well within reach.
Hitting coach Wally Joyner turned in his resignation Monday, saying that others within the organization were interfering with his ability to do his job. Joyner had intended to make his resignation effective at the end of the season, but club management told Joyner not to bother to show up in Los Angeles, where the last-place Padres opened a three-game series Tuesday.
And while all this is going on, general manager Kevin Towers, who answers to the colorful nickname "KT," has been conveniently unavailable for comment.
Disharmony within this team is just difficult for us to fathom, because whenever we watch a Padres telecast on Channel 4, we're left with the impression that the Padres organization is the Good Ship Lollipop.
So it's not?
Next thing you know, somebody's going to tell us that Fox News Channel isn't really a news channel.

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