Monday, October 08, 2007

Where Can We Find Towels?

The Raiders and their fans come to town this week, which means local law enforcement officers can expect a spike in overtime pay.
But we've never bought into the stereotype of all Raiders fans being thugs.
The way we see it, the Raider fan persona is all just an act. Just a little role play.
On Sundays, Raider fan plays dress up and engages in some male bonding with other like-minded souls.
On Mondays, Raider fan can be found working the register at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Some Charger fans are intimidated by Raider fan, some Charger fans try to heckle Raider fan, while other Charger fans refuse to make eye contact with Raider fan.
But if Charger fan really wanted to get under Raider fan's skin, all he has to say is, "Price check on 500 thread count taupe linens on aisle 6."


Anonymous Joey Spagna said...

I drink from my pocket bottle during the game

12:20 PM  

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